Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Reading List

You are invited to participate in Hawkins’ Book Blog.

Two books; two weeks each

Live First, Work Second
By Rebecca Ryan
June 15-30

The Element
How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything
By Ken Robinson
July 20-31

Sign up now for daily discussion question alerts:


  1. Dr. Hawkins,

    I'm looking forward to your contributions and leadership in the discussion of The Element. I read it in March. I have followed Sir Ken Robinson since his 2006 TED Talk on How School Kill Creativity.

    I'm also hoping that your use of Blogger will lead our current policy of blocking blogs to be reconsidered. There are many good blogs which teachers have been unable to access at school.
    I have learned more with my blogs and Twitter Personal Learning Network over the past 7 years than I did in my Masters, Ed.S., or PLU opportunities. It is powerful!

    I would be available to discuss my experiences with you at any time.

    Ric Murry

  2. I'm Looking forward to some great discussions. This is a great idea to keep everyone connected through the summer. I hope a lot of DPS family take advantage of this opportunity to have conversation.
